The Lilly Wave was found by John C Lilly and is, in most cases, completely misunderstood as to its usage to affect the thoughts and behavior of humans.[1]
It is described as a bi-phasic electric pulse that stimulates the neurons of the brain to resonate at a certain frequency, thus the Lilly wave has the ability to control the brainwave patterns of the brain.
There is however a far more advanced form and a largely unknown and suppressed purpose in the use of the Lilly Wave. The water molecules within the brain can be made to resonate at a desired frequency, this causes the electrons that comprise the brain's electrical voltages to also resonate at that same frequency.
It is not a requirement, as is understood by the majority of science, to implant electrodes to cause the brains water molecules to be entrained to a certain frequency, it can also be accomplished by any waveform that can penetrate the skull and then cause the entrainment of the brains water molecules.
For example, radio waves emitted at a frequency of 40hz, targeted at a person's brain, will entrain the water molecules to a degree of 40hz and thus the rest of the brain's electrons will also resonate at that frequency.
In this manner, it is possible to stimulate and control the brain wave patterns remotely, with electromagnetism and also acoustic waves. However, it is imperative to understand that if the wave is not bi-phasic it will result in damage to the brain's neurons and cause what is termed, brain damage.
It is not the case that only the brain's water molecules can be entrained, it is also true of the blood sugar. Iron within the cellular structure composing the neurons of the brain and various other elements can also be entrained to resonate at the desired frequency. (Possibly the reason for the attack on tobacco, nicotine is a super blood sugar regulator)
If a molecule is targeted by a wave that resonates at the same frequency as that molecule, that molecule will explode, sugar is a crystal and crystals when stressed, broken or deformed, release an electric and electromagnetic charge, this is known as triboluminescence.
The effect of an exploding sugar crystal is quite damaging to the mind and brain, it creates extreme confusion, dizziness, and also a state best described as lack of awareness, or apathy.
The Lilly Wave frequency is a secret military application, it is known as the “madness” frequency. The Los Angeles Riots are said to have been the first open test of its capacity to mass control anger and violent response from the mob.
Furthermore, there are other profound effects of entraining the brain and blood iron molecules, one of which is to cause the iron to condense together via resonant attraction, and clump within the brain. This has the effect of causing the iron to be magnetized and rush to the top of your head, resulting in a rush of blood to the head and extreme confusion and dizziness, it can also be reversed which causes draining of blood from the head, leading to all-out unconsciousness.
In short, the Lilly Wave is best described as a targeted resonance of the brain's molecules.
Use of the Lilly Wave can pretty much install any brainwave pattern into the mind of any targeted human, such as the negative aspects already mentioned and also to create happiness, or the ability to control one's physical movements. An attack direct to the water molecules is by far the best method to achieve the desired aims.
It is possible to track the Lilly Wave through a spectrum analyzer that you link up to a signal source, and if you know what waveforms to look for, in a TV signal, for example, you can see all kinds of interesting things–like the Lilly wave.
As already stated the Lilly Wave was found by Dr. John Lily when he was working for NIH, (the National Institutes for Health), in 1959 when they first started implanting dolphin brains and discovered that they needed to give the dolphin brain a chance to respond.
Then they discovered that they could use these same waves on human beings. He was doing work for the Navy at that time, and he got out of that research because he felt so conflicted about what they were doing.
The Lilly Wave frequency will mostly be in the extremely low and sometimes in the ultra low-frequency range, but they are complicated as they need to interact with certain brain molecules that have a resonant frequency of their own.
It is strange that the ELF and ULF ranges are classified or 10 MHz controlled frequencies.
Artificial Thought and Communication
This is the third step in the Blue Beam Project that goes along with the telepathic and electronically augmented two-way communication where ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach each person from within his or her own mind, from the Smart grid technology, convincing each of them that their own god is speaking to them from the very depths of their own soul. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. The rays will then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought.
That kind of technology goes into the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s research where the human brain has been compared to a computer. Information is fed in, processed, integrated, and then a response is formulated and acted upon. Mind controllers manipulate information the same way a computer for grammar manipulates information. In January 1991, the University of Arizona hosted a conference entitled, ‘The NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Current and Emergent Phenomena and Biomolecular Systems.’
[1] HAARP, GWEN, WI-FI, Cell Phone towers all of them can carry the Lily Wave.
The Lilly Wave called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair found by John Cunningham Lilly is a carrier waveform that bypasses the mind’s subconscious defense systems. It has been monitored via oscilloscopes connected to homes A/C ground and neutral of power lines. It can be used to transmit mind control via ultrasonic (1 10 MHz) and electromagnetic wavelengths (600m to 1e-15m).
Electromagnetic wavelengths transmit long/short/FM wavelength radio waves and TV/telephone/wireless signals or energies. They are also responsible for transmitting energy in the form of microwaves, infrared radiation (IR), visible light (VIS), ultraviolet light (UV), X-rays, and gamma rays. (1996) The Lilly wave can be neutralized via pink or white noise generators connecting to the non-voltage A/C ground and neutral of home power grids.
The goal was to find an electric current waveform with which animals could be stimulated through implanted electrodes for several hours per day for several months without causing irreversible changes in threshold by the passage of current through the tissue.
Many waveforms, including 60-cps. sine-wave current could apparently be used safely for these limited schedules of stimulation. They could not be used for the intensive, long-term schedule of chronic stimulation. An electric current passed through the brain can cause at least two distinct types of injury: thermal and electrolytic.
The technical problem in chronic brain stimulation is to stay above the excitatory threshold and below the injury threshold in the neuronal system under consideration. This result can be achieved most easily by the proper choice of waveforms and their time courses, and less easily by the choice of the range of repetition frequencies and train durations.
The previous waveforms used in neurophysiology and in neurosurgery injured the neurons when the unidirectional current passed through the brain. Dr. Lilly developed a new electrical waveform to balance the current, first in one direction and then, after a brief interval, in the other. Thus ions moving in the neurons would first be pushed one way and then quickly the other way, stimulating the neurons and leaving the ions in their former positions within the neurons. This new waveform was called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair, or the Lilly Wave. Microscopic studies of brains stimulated with this balanced pulse pair showed that there was no injury of the neuronal networks from this kind Waveform of stimulating current, pulse pairs of current resulting from quasi-differentiation, with passive electrical elements, of a rectangular pulse. Measured at 2 percent of the peak, the duration of the positive pulse (upward) is 34 sec, and the duration of the negative pulse (downward) is 28 sec. stimulation.
4G Wi-Fi At 2.45GHz Damages Fertility, 5G At Between 30-300GHz Will Do What?
Download the Lilly Wave
5G Battlefield Interrogation Platform
Since 4G (microwave) was implemented in 2010 we have had a major decline in health. With the roll-out of 5G…it will be much worse. Right now we are at 2.5Ghz where this 5G will be at 60Ghz. That is a huge jump in frequency radiation.
The deployment of the latest technology that is being inserted on top of the existing mobile phone tech but is not the same as at present, is a subject that needs your attention. Because of the 5G platform, which is made up of small cell antennas everywhere, they will launch an unnatural and round the clock millimeter, milli-wave and microwave radiation transmission, that is far more potent than anything previously experienced from the electromagnetic spectrum. 5G will increase the current 700 to 5.8 billion microwaves per second for cell phone and Wi-Fi data to tablets and laptops to pulsed microwaves of 24 to 90 billion microwaves per second.
Qualcomm unveils first mmWave 5G antennas for smartphones
The U.S military use of millimeter waves (5G) which travel only a short distance, as a nonlethal weapon for crowd control, because the waves affect the surface of the body and cause burning of the skin at higher levels of power.
The wi-fi clouds formed in close communities are another aspect of this platform that affects the blood molecules direct and will transform your emotional state by definition of what frequency they transmit through the Smart system.
5G is a system formed with full Legal protection
$17 trillion Dollars is the figure said to be available for the roll-out of this technology.
President Donald Trump wants to build his own 5G internet platform in the United States in response to China building the same across China.
Scientists do not fully understand the technology, specific to the mathematics relating to the waveforms created.
There are no safety checks at all carried out on the 5G platform
Children absorb some 60% more microwave energy due to their moisture content and thus electromagnetic conductivity is greater than that of an adult. Suicidal tendencies are a sign of damage by these microwaves. Establishment scientist Professor Trevor Marshall, the director of the Auto Immunity Research Foundation in California said :
“The new 5G technology Millimeter waves producing photons of much greater energy than 4g and Wi-fi. Allowing this technology to be used without proving its safety is reckless in the extreme as the millimeter waves are known to have a profound effect on all parts of the human body.”
The waveforms used by 5G are known to be at the same frequencies as those used in our bodies at the level at which cellular processes take place, that means it can directly interferer with those cellular processes. There are 4500 cellular structures in the human body each communicating with the entire body. 40 leading scientists groups have warmed that the waveforms from 5G can be harmful to all living species.
Active Denial technology frequencies are included in the 5G platform. This tech can be beamed from planes and helicopters and stand-alone vehicles. With this technology, they can create many different physiological and neurological effects on the body by shifting frequencies.
Microwaves affect all living things on the planet except bacteria and viruses
5G is being seen as a technology that can create extinctions over five generations, this does not include bacteria and viruses which appear to get a boost from this technology in the ability to reproduce at a faster rate.
Full Range Electromagnetic Spectrometer is the only machine that will pick up the 5G transmitters which operate in a very narrow frequency range.
The plan for 5G is to ensure you are never more than 30 meters away from the 5G Grid.
Electromagnetic Radiation: Adverse Biological Effects
Mind Control Using Psychotronic Mind-Control Technologies
How Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Affect Our Bodies
Further Studies....
Electromagnetic Field and Cancer
The MAGIC Mushroom Fake Evolution
Modern Warfare Strategy and
the Bilderberg Steering Committee
Scalar and Psychoenergetics
Plan to Sedate the Populations and Microwave Technology
The Pineal Gland, Electromagnetic Fields, ELF And Chemistry
NOTE: Neurological Weapons, Extremely Low, and Electromagnetic Frequency weapons fall under the category of biological.
Through U.S. Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Section 1520a (below), it is "LEGAL" for the government to test chemical, biological, and radiological elements on humans under the "Exception Clause" approved for the military and law enforcement.
The military can test any of the above mentioned also as long as it is for research or law enforcement for law enforcement purposes and riot control, NON-CONSENSUALLY!
SEC. 1520a Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents
(a) Prohibited activities
The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract) unless by Exception
(1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or
(2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects.
(b) Exception Clause
Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section, the prohibition in subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a test or experiment carried out forany of the following purposes:
(1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or keyword, "research activity."
(2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.
(3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control.
Unstated is that anyone can make allegations, then without "Due Process" Constitutional, Civil, or even basic Human Rights, men, women to include children, can be placed into this high-tech psycho-physical ongoing human experimentation program and used as a human guinea pig. Children, in the early stages of development can be used to further experimentation for future social and population control.
The Secretary of Defense / DOD may conduct a test or experimentdescribed in subsection
(b) of this section only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject.
(c) Informed consent required,OR
(d) Prior notice to Congress
Not later than 30 days after the date of final approval within the Department of Defense of plans for any experiment or study to be conducted by the Department of Defense (whether directly or under contract) involving the use of human subjects for the testing of a chemical agent or a biological agent, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives a report Setting, forth a full accounting of those plans, and the experiment or study may then be conducted only after the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date such report is received by those committees.
(e) "Biological agent'' defined
In this section, the term ``biological agent'' means any micro-organism (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsia, or protozoa), pathogen, or infectious substance, and any naturally occurring, bio-engineered, or synthesized component of any such micro-organism, pathogen, or infectious substance, whatever its origin or method of production, that is capable of causing:
(1) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism;
(2) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or materials of any kind; or
(3) deleterious alteration of the environment.
(Public Law 105-85, Div. A, title X, Sec. 1078, Nov. 18, 1997, 111 Stat. 1915; Public. Law 106-65, div. A, title X, Sec. 1067(4), Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. 774.)
The section is comprised of section 1078 of Pub. L. 105-85. Subsec. (f) of section 1078 of Pub. L. 105-85 amended section 1523
(b) of this title. Subsec.
(g) of section 1078 of Pub. L. 105-85 repealed section 1520 of this title.
The section was enacted as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 1998, and not as part of Pub. L. 91-121, title IV, Sec. 409, Nov. 19, 1969, 83 Stat. 209, which comprises this chapter.
(d). Pub. L. 106-65 substituted ``and the Committee on Armed Services'' for ``and the Committee on National Security.''
Currently, three states have acknowledged the reality of electromagnetic extremely low-frequency technology with laws surrounding these technologies use. However, anything goes during ongoing wartime status AND leaves the weapon use open for rampant use to silence any effort against specific global goals:
Public act 257 of 2003 makes it a felony for a person to “manufacture, deliver, possess, transport, place, use, or release a harmful electronic or electromagnetic device for an unlawful purpose.” Also made into a felony is the act of causing “an individual to falsely believe that the individual has been exposed to a... harmful electronic or electromagnetic device.”
Public law 264, H.P. 868–L.D. 1271 criminalizes the knowing, intentional, and/or reckless use of an electronic weapon on another person, defining an electronic weapon as a portable device or weapon emitting an electrical current, impulse, beam, or wave with disabling effects on a human being.
3. CALIFORNIA Bans Forced Human Microchip / Radio Frequency Chip Identification Implantation by Employers
4. RICHMOND CALIFORNIA City Council Votes to Enforce The Space Preservation of 2001 Act in 2015
Unlawful Enemy Combatant is a term that, prior to the MCA had no meaning in the U.S. or International Law. However today it applies to both citizens and non-citizens, and is broad, with the potential for constant expansion.
It leaves in the hands of the President or Defense Secretary a nearly unrestricted authority to declare people "Unlawful Enemy Combatants." In other words to silence anyone or protest! And, as shown in the link, after labeling, anyone labeled as a "Combatant" target then can be lawfully attacked and even murdered.
Obviously one thing globalization efforts do not want and are trying to prevent, are a global protest against ongoing wars, or the Orwellian Technocratic state, such as what successfully impacted the Vietnam War, and nationwide mobilization against corruption, or any exposure against the globalization agenda.
UNDERSTANDING MCA "Unlawful Enemy Combatant" definition below.
"United States intelligence activities" stipulates that certain activities of intelligence components that affect U.S. persons by governed by procedures issued by the agency head and approved by the attorney general. Specifically, procedures 1 through 10, as well as appendix A, herein, requiring approval by the attorney general, contain further guidance to DoD components in implementing Executive Order 12333 as well as Executive Order 12334, "President's Intelligence Oversight Board."
Accordingly, by this memorandum, these procedures are approved for use within the Department of Defense. Heads of DoD components shall issue such implementing instructions as may be necessary for the conduct of authorized functions in a manner consistent with the procedures set forth herein.
This regulation is effective immediately.
Signals intelligence collection of targets within the United States is governed by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA.) The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 ("FISA" Pub.L. 95-511, 92 Stat. 1783, enacted October 25, 1978, 50 U.S.C. ch.36, S. 1566) is an Act of Congress which prescribes procedures for the physical and electronic surveillance and collection of "foreign intelligence information" between "foreign powers" and "agents of foreign powers" (which may include American citizens and permanent residents suspected of being engaged in espionage and violating U.S. law on territory under United States control) and domestically the Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA.)
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA) Pub. L. 99-508, Oct. 21, 1986, 100 Stat. 1848, 18 U.S.C. § 2510)[2]
Was enacted by the United States Congress to extend government restrictions on wiretaps from telephone calls to include transmissions of electronic data by computer. Specifically, ECPA was an amendment to Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (the Wiretap Statute), which was primarily designed to prevent unauthorized government access to private electronic communications.
The ECPA also added new provisions prohibiting access to stored electronic communications, i.e., the Stored Communications Act,18 U.S.C. §§ 2701-12. The ECPA also included so-called pen/trap provisions that permit the tracing of telephone communications. §§ 3121-27. Later, the ECPA was amended, and weakened to some extent, by some provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act. In addition, Section 2709 of the Act, which allowed the FBI to issue National Security Letters (NSLs) to Internet service providers (ISPs) ordering them to disclose records about their customers, was ruled unconstitutional under the First (and possibly Fourth) Amendments in ACLU v. Ashcroft (2004). It is thought that this could be applied to other uses of National Security Letters.
The use of technology tapping into brainwaves translating into words or speech which may be labeled as “signals intelligence” under the larger scope of “electronic communications” and “data” without consent or judicial order consent past 90 days would be illegal. The renewal of a warrant for the same can only be sustained if there is reasonable cause for the law enforcement agencies and this must be weighed with the harm it is doing as well or otherwise, the warrant to monitor must be canceled or at the least; notice must be served to the defendant. This particularly applies to military, intelligence, or defense situations as,
“Section 11.2.2. Air Force Policy Directive” [48] In “C5.2.3.6 of the Procedure governing Department of Defense Intelligence Components that affect United States Persons”
Also governs “Signal Intelligence Gathering” states that the intelligence gathering may not extend 90 days without consent or notice.[49] In relation to the U.S. Department of Justice’s statute on Electronic Surveillance, “Section 9-7.302 (Consensual Monitoring—Procedures for Lawful, Warrantless Monitoring of Verbal Communications)" will likely not be applicable as collecting words from brainwaves does not fit the definition of “verbal communication” provided although this act also limits warrantless surveillance to 90 days and 180 days if evidence requiring it is there.
E.O. 12333 augments statutory intelligence authority for the Secretary of Defense as well as relevant offices and agencies within the Department. The functions of the NRO are described in paragraph 1.7(e), and include the production and dissemination of geospatial intelligence information and data “for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes to support national and departmental missions,” as well as the provision of “geospatial intelligence support for national and departmental requirements and for the conduct of military operations.” Assistance to law enforcement agencies is covered in paragraph 2.6 of E.O. 12333, which authorizes agencies within the Intelligence Community to participate in law enforcement activities to investigate or prevent clandestine intelligence activities,international terrorist activities, or narcotics trafficking activities. The order also permits the intelligence elements to provide specialized equipment, technical knowledge, or assistance of expert personnel for use by any department or agency, or, when lives are endangered, to support local law enforcement agencies.
E.O. 12333 requires agencies within the Intelligence Community to use “the least intrusive collection techniques feasible within the United States or directed against United States persons abroad.” Monitoring devices may be used only “in accordance with procedures established by the head of the agency concerned and approved by the Attorney General. Such procedures shall protect constitutional and other legal rights and limit the use of such information to lawful governmental purposes.” The Attorney General is delegated the authority to approve the use, within the United States or against a United States person abroad, of “any technique for which a warrant would be required if undertaken for law enforcement purposes, provided that such techniques shall not be undertaken unless the Attorney General has determined in each case that there is probable cause to believe that the technique is directed against a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power.”
*Inside the United States (as well as abroad), DOD support for law enforcement agencies is authorized in accordance with Chapter 18 of title 10, U.S. Code. The legislation contains both explicit grants of authority: and restrictions on the use of that authority for DOD assistance to law enforcement agencies—federal, state, and local — particularly in the form of information and equipment. Section 371 specifically authorizes the Secretary of Defense to share information acquired during military operations and encourages the armed forces to plan their activities with an eye to the production of incidental civilian benefits. Under sections 372 through 374, DOD equipment and facilities, including intelligence collection assets, may be made available to civilian authorities.
Commonly known as the "Patriot Act") is an Act of the U.S. Congress that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. The title of the Act is a contrived three-letter initialism (USA) preceding a seven-letter acronym (PATRIOT), which in combination stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001. The Act dramatically reduced restrictions on law enforcement agencies' ability to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial, and other records; eased restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States; expanded the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and broadened the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. The act also expanded the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism, thus enlarging the number of activities to which the USA PATRIOT Act’s expanded law enforcement powers can be applied.
Just before the midnight deadline on May 26, 2011, President Barack Obama signed a 4-year extension of three key provisions in the USA Patriot Act: roving wiretaps, searches of business records (the "library records provision"), and conducting surveillance of "lone wolves" — individuals suspected of terrorist-related activities not linked to terrorist groups.
The Act was passed in the House by 357 to 66 (of 435) and in the Senate by 98 to 1 and was supported by members of both the Republican and Democratic parties.
Opponents of the law have criticized its authorization of indefinite detentions of immigrants; searches through which law enforcement officers search a home or business without the owner’s or the occupant’s permission or knowledge; the expanded use of National Security Letters, which allows the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to search telephone, e-mail, and financial records without a court order, and the expanded access of law enforcement agencies to business records, including library and financial records. Since its passage, several legal challenges have been brought against the act, and Federal courts have ruled that a number of provisions are unconstitutional…..
Electronic Surveillance by definition, Title 50, Chapter 36, Subchapter 1, § 1801 excerpt defining Electronic surveillance by law:
the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance devices of the contents of any wire or radio communication sent by or intended to be received by a particular, known United States person who is in the United States, if the contents are acquired by intentionally targeting that United States person, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes:
the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance devices of the contents of any wire communication to or from a person in the United States, without the consent of any party thereto, if such acquisition occurs in the United States, but does not include the acquisition of those communications of computer trespassers that would be permissible under section 2511(2)(i) of title 18;
the intentional acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance devices of the contents of any radio communication, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes, and if both the sender and all intended recipients are located within the United States; or,
the installation or use of an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance devices in the United States for monitoring to acquire information, other than from a wire or radio communication, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes.
Title 50, Chapter 36, Subchapter I, § 1802
Electronic surveillance authorization without a court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal; duties and compensation of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of the court.
NOTE: A tactic that goes hand in hand with Electronic Surveillance involves a community effort of using neighbors, employers, business owners, employers, and employees to include even family members and friends in what is called Gang Stalking or Organized Stalking or Covert Harassment Groups.
In most cases, law enforcement provides disinformation about a “Target” to enlist community support. The Target's life then becomes literally a living hell as strangers appear to have resentments, taunt, threaten or ridicule the target or even show hate for a target which is often unexplainable to the person being targeted. The residences of neighbors are used or neighbors in adjoining apartments or buildings are provided with an array of portable technology, specifically see-through-the-wall under the guise of Neighborhood Watch or Community Policing programs who assist in electronic surveillance efforts spearheaded and overseen in real-time situational awareness from the military and law enforcement operation/fusion centers. Advanced technology such as biometric computer surveillance software and smaller versions of real-time, energy weapons can also disseminate handheld microwave technology energy weapons an allow complete infrared through the wall observance and targeting around the clock and beamed verbal harassment by devices. Today, Constitutional, Civil and Human Rights violations are happening horrendously due to the covert of beam subjugation torture nature of the technology in use, although it is illegal according to the Title below:
Title 18 Part I Chapter 119 2511
"Interception and disclosure of wire, oral, or electronic communications prohibited an offense under this subsection that consists of or relates to the interception of a satellite transmission that is not encrypted or scrambled and that is transmitted:
(1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter any person who:
(a) intentionally intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any wire, oral, or electronic communication;
(b) intentionally uses, endeavors to use, or procures any other person to use or endeavor to use any electronic, mechanical, or other devices to intercept any oral communication when
(i) such device is affixed to, or otherwise transmits a signal through, a wire, cable, or other like connection used in wire communication (i) intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, intercepted by means authorized by sections 2511 (2)(a)(ii), 2511 (2)(b)–(c), 2511(2)(e), 2516, and 2518 of this chapter, shall be punished as provided in subsection (4) or shall be subject to suit as provided in subsection (5). (4) (a) except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection or in subsection (5), whoever violates subsection (1) of this section shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. As you can see this is the penalty for such offends.
The Targeted civilian population has been conveniently setup as human guinea pigs and are being used for ONGOING massive mind control programs dating back DECADES.
Military and police experimentation includes both illegal infiltration of drugs into specific communities for mind control and bioweapon testing as well as legal drugs for Big Pharma profit. These efforts continue in both urban and affluent communities combined with military real-time surveillance nationwide and the exploitative use of mass control technologies and brainwashing the populace.
Thousands are targeted and set-up, unknowingly, used for every reason under the sun as shown in the link below. The goal is advancing psychophysical, mind invasive, psychotronic technologies in research, for statistical impact and effectiveness in mass brainwashing.
And has been historically designed, for ongoing social and mass population control efforts through overseeing and various high-level official agencies, such as the DOD, DOJ, Fusion Centers, with today’s game changer being unified military personnel and military technological methods.
Many victims of this program have been targeted since childhood, who when awakening then become candidates for continued targeted focus silencing when the military / police forces are unleashed in bogus investigations denying any legal rights.
The cold hard truth is this global population control effort, and those in high places at the highest echelon by approval do not give a darn about their enforcer puppets except for the purpose they serve.
This program has been efficiently and historically designed, for ongoing social and mass population has been historically designed, for ongoing social and mass population.
Do humans have a “built-in” vulnerabilityto manipulation and control?
DoD 5240.1.R:
Domestic PoliceUse of Military Weaponry
(Federal Efforts To Supply Surplus Military Weapons And Equipment To Domestic Law Enforcement Agencies) "The militarization of American policing has occurred as a direct result of federal programs that use equipment transfers and funding to encourage aggressive enforcement of the War on Drugs by state and local police agencies. One such program is the 1033 Program, launched in the 1990s during the heyday of the War on Drugs, which authorizes the U.S. Department of Defense to transfer military equipment to local law enforcement agencies.
12. This program, originally enacted as part of the 1989 National Defense Authorization Act, initially authorized the transfer of equipment that was 'suitable for use by such agencies in counter-drug activities.'
13. In 1996, Congress made the program permanent and expanded the program’s scope to require that preference be given to transfers made for the purpose of 'counterdrug and counterterrorism activities.'
14. There are few limitations or requirements imposed on agencies that participate in the 1033 Program.
15. In addition, equipment transferred under the 1033 Program is free to receiving agencies, though they are required to pay for transport and maintenance. The federal government requires agencies that receive 1033 equipment to use it within one year of receipt,
16. so there can be no doubt that participation in this program creates an incentive for law enforcement agencies to use military equipment."
"War Comes Home:The Excessive Militarization of American Policing,"
American Civil Liberties Union (New York, NY: ACLU, June 2014), p. 16.
Domestic Law Enforcement Military Surplus Weapons Made Available Through Federal 1033 Program. "The Department of Defense operates the 1033 Program through the Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA) Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO), whose motto is 'from warfighter to crimefighter.' According to LESO, the program has transferred $4.3 billion worth of property through the 1033 Program.
61. Today, the 1033 Program includes more than 17,000 federal and state law enforcement agencies from all U.S. states and territories. The amount of military equipment being used by local and state police agencies has increased dramatically—the value of property transferred though the program went from $1 million in 1990 to $324 million in 1995 and to nearly $450 million in 2013.
62. "The 1033 statute authorizes the Department of Defense to transfer property that is 'excess to the needs of the Department,
63. which can include new equipment; in fact, 36 percent of the property transferred pursuant the program is brand new.
64. Thus, it appears that DLA can simply purchase property from an equipment or weapons manufacturer and transfer it to a local law enforcement agency free of charge. Given that more than a third of property transferred under the program is in fact new, it appears that this practice happens with some regularity."
Could big dollars finance COVERT "BLACK BUDGET" TARGETING today, reported nationwide, happening in civilian communities using also DOD contractors?
Reportedly, a portion of this $716 billion dollars budget is fueling the COINTELPRO unified covert targeting program where assigned personnel, using military-grade technology, are working hand-in-hand with corrupt agencies, federal, state (Sheriff) and police counter-terrorism divisions.
Today the arsenal is equipped with weaponized drones, Directed Energy Weapons, mind reading, beamed communication, and 24/7 harassment and also, and an array of mind invasive technologies, little known to the public, i.e., patented subliminal and manipulative systems and devices approved for you.
$52.6 billion - The Black Budget for Covert action. Surveillance. Counterintelligence. The U.S. “black budget” spans over a dozen agencies that make up the National Intelligence Program.
Procedures governing the activities of DOD intelligence components and United States persons, December 1982 - **SEE SPECIFICALLY PROCEDURE 13**
This DOD regulation sets forth procedures governing the activities of DOD intelligence components that affect United States persons. It implements DoD Directive 5240.1, and replaces the November 30, 1979 version of DoD Regulation 5240.1-R. It is applicable to all DoD intelligence components.
PROCEDURE 1 General Provisions
PROCEDURE 2 Collection of Information about United States Persons
PROCEDURE 3 Retention of Information about United States Persons
PROCEDURE 4 Dissemination of Information about United States Persons
PROCEDURE 5 Electronic Surveillance in the United States for Intelligence Purposes
PROCEDURE 6 Concealed Monitoring
PROCEDURE 7 Physical Searches
PROCEDURE 8 Searches and Examination of Mail
PROCEDURE 9 Physical Surveillance
PROCEDURE 10 Undisclosed Participation in Organizations
PROCEDURE 11 Contracting for Goods and Services
PROCEDURE 12 Provision of Assistance to Law Enforcement Authorities
PROCEDURE 13 Experimentation on Human Subjects for Intelligence Purposes
PROCEDURE 14 Employee Conduct
PROCEDURE 15 And Appendix A - Identifying, Investigating, and Reporting Questionable Activities
Laws of Electronic Surveillance - Carr - Cited by 183
Computer-based Work Monitoring:
Electronic surveillance and its … - Aiello - Cited by 80
The Electronic Eye: The Rise of Surveillance Society (ELECTRONIC WAR)
Patent US7784390B1 - Solid-state non-lethal directed energy weapon.
Weapon Is lethal with repetitive focus or turned to a higher setting.
DOD Regulation 5240.1.R
Patent US4877027A - A61F11/04 - Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves